The Blended Finance Taskforce was set up to mobilise private capital for the Sustainable Development Goals - a universal call to action to end poverty and protect the planet. The Taskforce brings together leaders from business, finance, development, policy and civil society to help overcome barriers to investing in high impact sectors and geographies.
The Action Programme
RT @FOLUCoalition: OP-ED via @Capitaleth: Sofia Ahmed, Country Manager of FOLU #Ethiopia explains how innovative funding sources can h…
RT @P4Forests: We’ve teamed up with the @blended_finance Taskforce to bring you the Pipeline Newsletter, showcasing a selection of…
Transforming the global financial system to unlock capital for #netzero, nature-positive & equitable economies is k…
RT @GGKP_Finance: How can #BlendedFinance de-risk and scale green projects? @UNEP_FI Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance offers guidance t…