Food System Economics Commission (2021)

The Importance of Analyzing Interdependencies to Build a Healthy, Nature-Positive, and Inclusive Food System

Debbora Leip1†, Michael S. Crawford1†*, Claudia Hunecke1, Quitterie Collignon1, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky1, Franziska Gaupp1,2, Hermann Lotze-Campen1,3

† Shared first authors

* Corresponding author

1Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany

2EAT, Oslo, Norway

3Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany

iD4D (2021)

Epidemics and the environment: how to put health crises behind us

The number infectious disease outbreaks–linked to global changes–has continued to increase in recent decades. To break this cycle of epidemics, agricultural development must reconcile ecological, social and health resilience goals.

Serge Morand

Research director at CNRS / CIRAD